Children Overcoming Domestic Abuse (CODA)

The CODA programme is an evidenced based programme for children aged from 4 to 16 who have witnessed abuse against their mother.

The groups are to help the children heal after witnessing violence in the home.

The Children’s Group

This is a supportive environment where the child will meet other children who have experienced domestic abuse.

The programme will support the child to process the feelings that they have about the violence they have experienced.

The Mother’s Group

The mother’s group runs very similarly to the children’s group.

The themes are the same each week allowing mothers to understand what the children have been learning and discussing and how to support them at home.

Referral form

Once the referral form has been received, we will write to you to confirm they have been put on a waiting list

When a course becomes available , we will write to you

We will complete a risk assessment with you and your child before the group begins to ensure you and your child are placed in the correct group

During the programme, your child’s school will be informed if they do not attend the group so that attendance records can be updated

Your child will be given a keyworker for the duration of the course who will keep in contact with you if you do not attend the weekly sessions to ensure everything is fine

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