Relationship Thought Prompt #03

Relational journey

Parental relationship impact mapping

Relationships can shift and evolve over time. It is important to understand when relationships move from healthy to unhealthy or even abusive. This guide will help you understand where your relationship is at the moment.

The relationship scale

A healthy and respectful relationship

An unhealthy relationship of conflict and distress

An abusive relationship of fear and risk

Start here…

Scale point 1.

A healthy and respectful relationship

What behaviours you have

Respect. Equality. Honesty. Co-operation. Trust.

What it looks like

Open communication. Tricky moments are resolved constructively.

What your child experiences

Constructive resolution skills. Emotional control. Respect and equality.

What help and support is available

Self help. Children and family centres. Community services.

Scale point 2.

A healthy and respectful relationship

What behaviours you have

Inconsistent respect and co-operation.

What it looks like

Reduced communication. Difficulties ignored. Arguing and unhappiness.

What your child experiences

Reduced emotional wellbeing. Distress and concerns.

What help and support is available

Children and family centres. Bromley Children Project. Community services.

Scale point 3.

An unhealthy relationship of conflict and distress

What behaviours you have

Arguing. Inconsistency. Isolation.

What it looks like

Frequent conflict and arguments. Parents
emotionally unavailable.

What your child experiences

Toxic environment. Reduced connections. Feeling isolated and alone.

What help and support is available

Family assessment from Bromley Children Project. Relationship support.

Scale point 4.

An unhealthy relationship of conflict and distress

What behaviours you have

Shouting. Screaming. Violence. Conflict.

What it looks like

Conflict and abuse. Unresolved conflict. Inconsistent pattern.

What your child experiences

Emotional health worries. Concern and worry. Uncertainty in situations.

What help and support is available

Family assessment from Bromley Children Project. Domestic abuse advice.

Scale point 5.

An abusive relationship of fear and risk

What behaviours you have

Violence. Conflict. Stress. Worry.

What it looks like

Controlling and abusive interactions. Arguments and stress.

What your child experiences

Fear and stress. Negative emotional health.

What help and support is available

Domestic abuse pathway. Children’s social care.

Scale point 6.

An abusive relationship of fear and risk

What behaviours you have

Control. Abuse. Fear.

What it looks like

Coercive control. Physical harm. Fear of violence or death.

What your child experiences

Risk of significant harm. Trauma and fear. Belief that abuse is normal.

What help and support is available

Domestic abuse services. Children’s social care. Police and emergency care.

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