Children and Families Hub
In Bromley we want all our children to grow up, thrive and have the best life chances in families who flourish and are happy to call Bromley home.
We believe that although our children are all different, they all have the same needs – they need loving, secure and stable homes which provide consistent and high-quality trusted relationships.
Most of our families can provide this environment with minimal input and support from services outside of their family and friends, and the borough’s offer of universal services.
There are some families though that require additional help and support from specialist and targeted services for short-term periods to help them through a period of trouble and problems.
And that’s where our Early Help services can help.
Our Early Help services
We offer a range of early help to build confidence and resilience within families – to support them to tackle all kinds of problems and make the changes they need to make.
Our aim is to offer the right help to as many children and families as possible at the earliest opportunity; we will support families to face challenges and make changes so that they feel more positive, in control of their situation, and have a happier family life.
Families tell us that the support received from our services helped to prevent problems escalating and becoming harder to manage.
Many families tell us that they find this support invaluable as it helps them to keep their children safe and healthy, and reduces the likelihood of being referred to children’s social care due to increased risk and concern.
How to contact us
You can use our online portal to send us your details.
Use our online portal →
Alternatively you call 020 8461 7373 or 020 8461 7379 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm).
Out of hours, at the weekends and on public holidays you should call 0300 303 8671.
You can also send an email to
If you are seriously concerned about a child’s immediate safety, call 999 and ask for the police.